
Logo European society of sonochemstryESS – European Society of Sonochemistry- is a European scientific association which promotes science and research in the field of sonochemistry. The ESS is promoting international and interdisciplinary research and is exchanging professional, technical, industrial and economic information. Furthermore, it promotes training programmes, workshops, summer schools and organizes international conferences on sonochemistry. It maintains close contacts and cooperation with related companies, including national and international bodies.

AMPERE – Association for Microwave Power in Europe for Research and Education – is a “European” non-profit association devoted to the promotion of microwave and radio frequency heating techniques for research and industrial applications. Despite the fact that AMPERE is a European association, it has a world-wide membership domain which comprises industrialists, academics and consultants. The interests of the Association are very wide and encompass academia, commerce, domestic as well as industrial applications. Research and technology transfer plays an important role in the association’s activity, making the cooperation between industry and academic institutions a fundamental objective of the association.


Photo4Future – The use of visible light energy to induce chemical transformations constitutes an interesting and green activation mode of organic molecules. However, implementation of this energy source in organic synthetic methodologies and in the industrial production of fine chemicals has been challenging. The Photo4Future Innovative Training Network establishes a training network with five beneficiaries from academia and two beneficiaries from industry to tackle the challenges associated with photochemistry in a coherent and comprehensive fashion. In total 10 Early Stage Researchers will be recruited within the Photo4Future network. The network will provide them with opportunities to undertake research with the aim to overcome the current limitations towards the applicability and scalability of photochemical transformations. This will be achieved through a rational design of novel photocatalytic methodologies, improved catalytic systems and innovative photoreactors.